Lily Cole’s life-changing motherhood

ICONINSIDER — Lily Cole totally changed when she became a parent.
The ‘Elizabeth I: Battle For the Throne’ actress – who has 18-month-old daughter Wylde with partner Kwarme Ferreira – thinks she’s a very different person now to what she was before getting pregnant.
She said: “Having a baby 
is totally life-changing. It’s like 
there’s the person I was before, and the person I am afterwards.”
The 29-year-old star is undecided how many children she wants to have, but doesn’t want a large family.
She said: “I’m one of two children, and that to me feels like a nice number. I don’t judge
 people who have 
more than two but personally I think
 it’s quite good to replace yourself on
 the planet. I might
 have a second, and 
I might decide not to have a second at all – 
it’s all possible right
 now. I might have a second and really feel like I need a third.”
If Lily needs any advice when it comes to raising Wylde, she knows she can always turn to her mother for support.
She said: “I ask my mum for advice all the time. Whenever I’m quivering.”
Though the former model was happy with her own upbringing in London, she’s keen to move out of the capital before her daughter gets older.
She told “I don’t want it for my daughter. I wouldn’t change it for myself, I feel like those experiences made me who I am, and I feel very grateful for that. But I think we need to try to move out of the city before she starts turning into a full human being.”
The ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ star thinks she is doing “alright” in her life, but occasionally worries she makes the wrong choices.
She said: “I’m not saying I don’t get things wrong. I definitely have days where I think I’ve gone wrong in my choices or priorities, but by and large I think I’ve done alright so far.”

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