Yvette Fielding is scared of Most Haunted

ICONINSIDER — Yvette Fielding can’t watch ‘Most Haunted’ alone.
The 48-year-old presenter may know what’s in store on the spooky series after spending weeks filming with her husband Karl Beattie and their co-host Stuart Torevell, but she still gets freaked out watching it back, and if they’ve been shooting in a particularly scary location, she finds it hard to settle back at home.
She said: “When I watch Netflix it can’t be anything scary. I couldn’t watch ‘Most Haunted’ on my own in the house – I’d have a terrible night’s sleep.
“And if I’ve come back from a particularly spooky location, I have to sleep with the lights on.”
Yvette and Karl’s daughter, Mary, 17, is keen to join the couple on their ghost-hunting adventures, but their son William, 23, isn’t so keen.
Yvette said: “My mother won’t even come to the house.
“My daughter on the other hand wants to take over from me and keeps saying, ‘When are you going to give it up?’ My son is scared to death of it!”
But one family member who has been getting involved in the show is their pet bulldog Watson.
She told Closer magazine: “He is so relaxed that he’ll go into these supposedly haunted locations, have a sniff, plonk himself down and start snoring.
“When something happens, he stands stock still, his hackles go up and he’ll stare for ages at a spot where nothing is.
“Then he’ll do a tiny little growl – that’s when I know there’s something with us.
“I’ve started going off into rooms on my own. I’ve not done that before, but when I’ve got my little mate with me I feel alright.
“We can’t take him to all the locations however, because he’s like my baby and I won’t take him anywhere in the car that’s over a two-hour journey.”

Source: Ohmygossip.com
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